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Monroe/Trek Model 287B Ionizer Performance Analyzer


Model 287B Ionizer Performance Analyzer by


The MonroeTM 287B ionizer performance analyzer performs manual or automatic decay and balance tests for periodic verification of ionization equipment. This allows for ionizer testing at the work location without the need to remove the ionizer from service for testing. The instrument stores the results and averaged decay times for up to ten manual tests and up to ten complete automatic test sequences. Temperature and relative humidity are displayed in real-time and recorded with the test data.


  • Perform manual or automated tests
  • Save test results for ten manual tests or ten automated test sequences (including environmental data)
  • Operate a handheld, all-in-one instrument that measures, displays, and stores voltage, decay time, temperature, and humidity
  • Test AC or DC room ionizers, laminar flow, overhead or benchtop ionizers, or ionized compressed gas systems with a push of a button


  • Intergrates decay timer lacking in ionizer test kits for fieldmeters
  • Exceeds current requirements of ANSI/ESD SP3.3 for Periodic Verification of Air Ionizers
  • Built-in self-test include battery check and tests for functional errors
  • Optional 6-inch plate attachment (Model 287/22C) achieves 1:1 correspondence with standard charged-plate monitor test results


Feature 1: All-in-One Instrument -Measures, displays and stores voltage, decay time,  temperature and humidity
Feature 2: Exceeds current requirements of ESD Assn. DSP3.3 for Periodic Verification  of Air Ionizers
Feature 3: Tests balance and decay

Size 1.9″ H x 4″ W x 8.1″ L
Weight 1 lb, 6 oz. (0.63 kg)
Power Requirements 9 volt NEDA #1604A or equivalent alkaline
Meter Range ±1250V, 1V resolution
Plate Capacitance Approximately 25pF
Drift: <±4V in 90s, ±2V typical
Trip Points: Fixed 1000V and 100V
Operating Modes: Manual or Automatic Testing
Plate Size: 1.7″x4″ (10.6 inches periphery)
Accuracy ±5% of reading, ±2% typical
Additional Information: Integrated Temperature and Humidity Sensors:Humidity ±5% typ. from 10%  to 90%RH @25ºCTemperature ±2ºC typicalBattery Life- >40 hour life or >1300 charge cycles. Longer life may be  achieved by using 9-volt lithium.

Model 287 Ionizer Performance Analyzer Products and  Accessories

Description Part Number Unit Price
Model 287 Ionizer Performance Analyzer MME0287B $ 2272.00 ORDER NOW
6” x 6” Plate Adapter M287/22C $ 782.00   ORDER NOW

(**Monroe/Trek products do not qualify for flat rate shipping!)


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