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Model 282IS Electrostatic Fieldmeter by Advanced Energy/Trek/Monroe


Model 282-1 IS Digital Stat Arc II Fieldmeter, Intrinsically Safe: UL approved for use in hazardous environments, Easy to read- Digital display, LED range finder, chopper-stabilized measurement technique, optional charge plate system for testing systems available.


The Digital Stat-Arc 3, model 282A and Digital Stat-Arc 2IS, model 282IS are full-featured hand-held fieldmeters used to perform static surveys and evaluate charge accumulation in electronic manufacturing and in industrial operations such as converting, printing, packaging, and plastics processing.

  • Easy-to-read digital display of field strength provides quantitative data with 100V resolution
  • LED pulsed beam range finder identifies calibrated distance from the surface
  • Chopper-stabilized measurement technique works in the presence of ionization
  • Recorder output to pass measurements to auxiliary instruments to display or record the data
  • Optional Charge Plate System for testing ionization systems
  • Model 282IS is UL approved for use in hazardous environments

Model 282-1 IS Digital Stat Arc II Fieldmeter, Intrinsically Safe: UL approved for use in hazardous environments, Easy to read- Digital display, LED range finder, chopper-stabilized measurement technique, optional charge plate system for testing systems available.

Model 282-1 IS Digital Stat Arc II Fieldmeter, Intrinsically Safe

(Includes Carrying Case and Calibration Certificate) MMF0282IS

PRICE: $2696.00

(**Advanced Energy/Monroe/Trek products do not qualify for flat rate shipping. Best way ground shipping will be billed.)

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