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Simco-Ion FusION Ionizing Bar


The FusION is a bi-polar air ionizer capable of controlling electrostatic charge in the local area

Simco-Ion FusION Ionizing BarfusION%20fan

The FusION is a bi-polar air ionizer capable of controlling electrostatic charge in the local area.  Applications such as those found inside process equipment and mini-environments in the semiconductor, flat panel display, pharmaceutical, and medical device industries.  Applications include tools, mini environments, and local load ports.  It is especially well suited for applications with space constraints and low clearance.

Controlled airflow can improve performance of any ionizer.  In applications that may benefit from improved airflow an optional fan assembly is available and simply clips to the FusION’s housing and power to the fan is supplied through a built-in connection.  Multiple units can be linked together from one 24VDC power source allowing 4 units to be daisy-chained.  Link up to 6 units if using customer supplied 24VDC.

FusION Ionizing Bar with Air Assist

The FusION with Air Assist is designed to be used with CDA which passes over the emitters to deliver balanced ionization over distances.  Features are the same as the standard FusION.

FusION In-line Ionizing Bar

A revolutionary in-line ionizer that enables stunning performance in long length delivery lines by overcoming traditional ion recombination limitations; enabling focused ionized air to be delivered to previously inaccessible locationsThe device can drive a single or multiple output lines, servicing a number of locations from a single ionization source.

Features include:

*  Auto Regulating — patented
*  Easy to install and operate
*  Compact design
*  System Integration Compatible
*  Optional Fan
*  Choice of Silicon Carbide or Tungsten emitters


Size (H x W x L) 3”H  x 1.9″W x 3.8”L (7.5 x 4.8 x 9.8 cm)
Weight 8 oz. (227 gms)
Discharge time 1000  –  100V <10 seconds at 6”
Emitters 4 Silicon Carbide or 4 100% Tungsten
Power Input 24 VDC
Operating Mode Steady-state  DC

FusION Products and Accessories

Description Unit Price Part Number
FusION Compact Bi-Polar Ionizer with 4 Tungsten emitters $957 I4010577 ORDER NOW
FusION Fan Assembly, optional for above two units $109 I4010447 ORDER NOW
FusION Compact Bi-Polar Ionizer, Gas Assist,  Tungsten emitters $1021 I4010831 ORDER NOW
Air Purge Supply Tubing Kit, optional for above two units $78 I5051309 ORDER NOW
FusION IN LINE Compact Bi-Polar Ionizer with 4 Tungsten emitters $1144 I4012229 ORDER NOW
Power Supply,  N. America / Japan $103 I4010448 ORDER NOW
Power Supply,  Continental Euro $111 I4010449 ORDER NOW
Power Supply,  United Kingdom $122 I4010450 ORDER NOW